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An Impulse Buy


It didn’t look like much, a crumpled piece of metal with a dull blue grey gleam. I turned it over in my hands trying to decide if I could repurpose it into something I could resell. It seem to call to me, I didn’t want to put in back into the junk box. On impulse I added it to the small pile I had gathered. After paying for my small collection of odds and ends I wandered away from the stall.

As I walked away I felt a subtle reverberation, like a distant echo from long ago. The air around me seems to become brighter with a pearlescent sheen. The noisy bustle of the market receded and the market stalls faded into the distance. With my next step I entered a blank empty space.

As I clutched my small pile of old junk to my chest, inside my head a ringing began, louder and louder. Coherent light flashed past me, burning through the dark emptiness. The dull crumpled piece of metal began to pulse in time with the flashes of light. My body frozen with fear stood in empty space in the centre of duelling lights that danced to the pattern of pulses from the crumpled metal.

I wanted to be far from this burning darkness, I bent my mind to waking out of this lucid dream. Then all i knew was searing pain as actinic light surrounded and flowed through me. I felt myself become encased in flowing metal. A subtle reverberation touched my bones as I was transformed.

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