Your shadow self is considered by many to be a well from which your creativity is drawn forth. Knowing and understanding the darker aspects of self is important to the development of your psyche.
The encounter with the shadow plays a central part in the process of individuation. Jung considered that 'the course of individuation...exhibits a certain formal regularity. Its signposts and milestones are various archetypal symbols' marking its stages; and of these 'the first stage leads to the experience of the SHADOW
J. Jacobi, The Psychology of C. G. Jung (London 1946) p. 102
Image: Shaman: Releasing The Shadow Self
'acknowledgement of the shadow must be a continuous process throughout one's life';
The Cambridge Companion to Jung (Cambridge 1977) p. 92
Recognise and understand your own shadow and use the strength from this understanding to create a balanced and creative life.