Sunday, Sunday - I have all day, the time is mine to do what I want.
I started withGinger Quince tea from TLeafT, Green tea and apple are combined with the light spiciness of ginger and delicate quince aroma. This is the first time I have had this tea and it goes into my favourites list. It is a lightly mellow tea with a hint of depth from the inclusion of the ginger. It has a light yellow colour which light gently floats through. The tea leaves have a light fresh smell and are very pretty with the combination of Green Tea, Apple Pieces, Ouince Pieces, Ginger, Mullein Flowers, Sunflower Petals.
I chose a new cup with pink roses and endless blue of summer sky a Christmas gift.
I treated myself to pancakes with treacle and cream richly delicious. While eating my breakfast I was monitoring the introduction Serida to Aurora and Khepha, all were accepting with the width of the room between them but close encounters resulted in Khepra yowling in complaint, Serida growling and making herself bigger and Aurora hissing at one point.
After Khepra left Aurora and Serida were facing each other from opposite side of the room blinking and closing their eyes. Overall, it appears to be an excellent start to their relationship.
I am aiming to get a little bit of garden clean up done today.
Sharing with you the beautiful words of John O'Donohue
For Equilibrium, a Blessing: Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore, May the relief of laughter rinse through your soul. As the wind loves to call things to dance, May your gravity by lightened by grace. Like the dignity of moonlight restoring the earth, May your thoughts incline with reverence and respect. As water takes whatever shape it is in, So free may you be about who you become. As silence smiles on the other side of what's said, May your sense of irony bring perspective. As time remains free of all that it frames, May your mind stay clear of all it names. May your prayer of listening deepen enough to hear in the depths the laughter of god.”
Happy Sunday to everyone, where ever you are.