I am a little late with my post today. Started the day sharing brunch of pancakes with my sister Ngaere it was a nice change to my normal solitary start.
With our pancakes we had Ginger Quince Tea, Ngaere left the selection to me and I thought it would complement the lemon we had on the pancakes. As a guest Ngaere chose her cup from my collection the Watercolour Flowers cup and I selected my Magnolia cup. When I have someone over for tea and they choose the tea and the cup they want to drink out of I have the feeling I had as a child when I had a tea party with the dolls. It is a feeling of simple pleasure and completeness.
Serida entertained us with her fly catching techniques and Aurora and Khepra were somewhere out in the wilderness of my garden as per usual when someone stays over or visits.
It is not a day to be out in the garden with scattered showers and humidity at 90%, so the garden will continue to be a mess for another weekend. I am very hopeful that the large bud growing in my pond is a Lotus Flower. I have had a stunning mass of flowers from my yellow Stellata waterlilly with seven more buds due to flower.
I am sharing this mantra today
Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu
May all beings be happy.
Inner Tuning: May all my thoughts, words and actions contribute in some way to the happiness of all beings.
Blessings to you all on this day for the upcoming week.