A slow start this morning I woke to the sound of rain. Autumn showers, grey sky still
holding in the warmth, sun peeking through slanted onto the bark of the Norfolk Pine highlighting its shades of grey and white.
Today I decided on Dilmah Black Tea with Pomegranate and Mint, a sweet tea to compliment the combination of sautéed cabbage and capsicum. Added to this was the saltiness of Haloumi Cheese and earthiness of poached eggs on wholemeal toast. I chose my watercolour flowers tea cup which reflected my soft around the edges state of mind. As I ate I listened to Colours of the Rainforest, instrumental with birdsong, rainfall and water flowing setting a mood of quiet reflection.
I have been giving my garden its autumn overhaul getting it ready for winter. I have weeded and laid down more cardboard , increasing the area of lower maintenance. The Salvias are still putting on a show and even as damp as it is in the garden the leafcutter bees are still busy, when I walk past the Black Knight and Pineapple Sage the bushes hum with bee song. The beautiful golden bloom of the Back Taro.
Aurora is a benign dictator. She wants me to sit down so she can attach herself to me. Serida has taken over the chair in my bedroom sleeping on top of clean washing I have left a teashirt and pants for her to have, I will throw them in the wash again today. Khepra has been very earnest lately. He has been sleeping on the bed every night and wants to have soulful eye contact with me when I wake up. The cats love having me home.
I have got the goddess bug again; my mind is brimming with ideas for papier mache goddesses. After creating my Sitting Goddess from paper clay I have started on a Standing Goddess, using strip paper. Unfortunately I am a bit stuck as I need my glue gun and I don’t have any gluesticks I also need craft adhesive paper and sadly these are not essential items;
In this time of social distancing, lock down and staying at home I thought this quote was very appropriate But it is a choice to be in yourself; wildly and dangerously free, to look deeply inside yourself and touch the wonder at your centre.
“It is a strange and wonderful fact to be here, walking around in a body, to have a whole world within you and a world at your fingertips outside you. It is an immense privilege, and it is incredible that humans manage to forget the miracle of being here. Rilke said, ‘Being here is so much,’ and it is uncanny how social reality can deaden and numb us so that the mystical wonder of our lives goes totally unnoticed. We are here. We are wildly and dangerously free.” ― John O'Donohue