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The Art Of Tea 12/03/2017


A dark, rainy, muggy morning I pushed myself out of bed somewhere between 8.30 and 9.00. An inside day today, once again the garden left to become a wilderness. When I finally do get around to doing the garden I will need combat gear to fight though the overgrowth.

Selected my tea from the first tin I picked up, my purple iris tin, opened the lid and the aroma of Iron Goddess of Mercy Oolong woke up my senses and my mind. The Goddess was letting me know that this was the tea I needed today. It was an appropriate choice as this week celebrated International Women’s Day. To go with the tea I selected my Geisha tea cup.. A relaxed breakfast, then a lovely chat with a friend got my day off to a good start.

With the heat and the rain the humidity is up to 93%. This is the weather I find most difficult; hot and wet. The dampness crawls inside the house and drifts clammy finger across exposed skin. I have shut all the windows, lit candle for their cheerful glow and to help dry out the air inside the house out, then put the fan on to cool down the temperature. I have the scent of Tea Rose gently infusing the air with a delightful scent.

My week has been a series of ups and downs. I thought I had found the answer to my exhaustion with the Sofeggio Frequencies and they certainly have helped with my etheric energy but my physical energy is still low. I have enough energy to get me through a week but not enough to take on anything extra. This week I had to do a catch up in my art class for the class I missed when I was unwell the other week and those extra few hours were enough to knock me over. I am pleased that I have now finished all the techniques and this coming week I will start my own painting. I have selected one of my photos of Back Beach that I am going to start with.

Taranaki Anniversary, I am delighted with having a long weekend, an extra day off work is a little luxury. I have books to read, art to make, cats to cuddle and housework maybe. Not too long until my annual leave, yay!!!

Here is a thought for the day

“Many of us have made our world so familiar that we do not see it anymore. An interesting question to ask yourself at night is, What did I really see this day?” ― John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

Blessings to everyone of you for today the upcoming week and may you see with clear eyes the beauty in your life everyday.

Photo - Still Life with Tea

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