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The Art of Tea 19/03/2017


On this bright and shiny day I started with the taste of summer; White Rose Tea from TLeafT. As I opened the tin’s lid the summer scent of roses drifted up. I paired the tea with my White Rose and Hydrangea tea cup a gift from my sister Ngaere. After only a minute brewing I poured the light golden tea into my cup and breathed in the scent of roses, serenaded by the endless song of the cicadas; a beautiful start to a beautiful day.

As I was eating my brunch I was looking at all my indoor plants, the thought drifted into my head “How many, is too many” I currently have 24 indoor plants throughout my house and I do want to get a few more. I decided 24 were not too many as they are a major portion of my decorating style and as representations of earth element they are very grounding, balancing all the books I have that represent the element of air. Also plants have such a cheerful energy when I enter the house it is like the house gives me a smile.

This got me to thinking about little luxuries. Little luxuries are never expensive, they are little things you do or enjoy that lift your spirits and give you a soul deep sense of pleasure. Often when times get hard and money is tight and pressures upon you seem very heavy it is easy to lose sight of the pleasures that are available to you. When we don’t take the time and reflect on our state of being we begin to take the gift of little luxuries for granted.

Consumables have become so readily available that people have little luxuries all the time which means they lose their grace of pleasure. Time has also become problematic and people rush to and fro telling the world how busy they are which means they don’t take the time needed to appreciate the moment and so much is lost.

I have been described as being ritualistic and I agree with that description. I create ceremonies to differentiate the changing of the seasons, Sunday is the day I choose different teas and use my tea cups to drink it whereas during the week I tend to drink green tea from my “Hope” mug. I love chocolate croissants but I only have them at either my birthday or Christmas, I don’t have them throughout the rest of the year. Dark chocolate can sit in my fridge for months until I feel the need for that luxury to lift my spirits.

Little Luxuries

Golden tea, glowing as light shine through the glass teapot

Warm scented steam arising from a beautiful china teacup

Candlelight flickering, reflected in the shiny silver bath fittings

Being immersed in bubbles in a warm scented bath

Rich flavour melting on your tongue of dark, dark chocolate

Snuggled in your special chair re-reading your favourite book

The cheerful energy of plants

A cat’s contented purr vibrating under your gentle petting.

Blessing to all on this beautiful high sky Sunday

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