A mildly overcast day and I decided that I wanted Custard Apple pies for my brunch. I paired these sweet and comforting pies with Sencha Green Rose tea with a hint of sharpness that cut down the sweetness of the pies and I chose today my Watercolour Flowers cup as it has some hints of green in the leaves.
I am back to square one with my Yoga practice, I will start again slowly this week as my breathing allows. Slow and gentle; focussing on standing moves. I said last Sunday that I had a busy week coming up well the week was anything but. Spent three days in bed with a nasty head cold complicated with bronchitis. I missed doing all those things that make life enjoyable, exercise classes, art class and book club. Instead I read a lot, played a computer game and enjoyed the company of Aurora and Serida.
In the garden my Paradise Helen Sasanqua Camellia has come into full bloom and the Oakleaf Hydrangea is in its full purple glory. Always cheerful shows in the garden are the geraniums with the scarlet still brightening up the space. The Pineapple Sage is still putting on a show of red spikes and I noticed earlier in the week some butterflies taking advantage of a late food source.
Yesterday I mentioned seeing a couple of young fish in the pond. Today I saw several more but it is hard to tell how many as the blues blend into the darkness of the pond. One I saw today is easily recognisable as in has an oval orange patch on each side of it’s head.
Sharing the beaufitul poetry of Sanober Khan and "Become" a poem I wrote in 2015
“we are all like poems. some of us rhyme. some don’t. some are Pulitzer prizes some are just scribbles and yet, we all possess a special kind of beauty that can either heal or cut to the bone one that can never quite be fathomed, nor forgotten.” ― Sanober Khan
In becoming who you are
Do not hide the fire in your soul
Under a mantle of smallness
You have been forever, eternal
You are present in the now, being
You will be in the far distant future, infinite
Your grace flows endlessly through you
You are a powerful natural force.
Grow strong in growing into yourself.
Do not hide the fire in your soul
Become who you are
Helen Gaudin