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The Art of Tea 08/10/2017


Good morning. I am happy and cheerful today as I have this banquet in front of me of Helen Time until the end of October. Cats, gardening, Pukeiti, digital art, painting, writing, exercise,reading, house, friends all up for my delectation, as and when I want to do them. I have the joy and luxury of doing things as time and weather and mood decree.

Today I broke my fast with my usual brunch and chose the delicate, light, golden White Peony tea from TLeafT. It’s bright lightness complemented my feelings today and on the bright I used my red, gold and White Peony teacup. This has set me up for a delightful day even the clouds are low and grey. I am going to give some TLC to my 28 indoor plants with repotting and a boost of Seasol a seaweed plant restorer.

Anticipation is a wonderful feeling, it creates a little effervescent bubble inside that change is going to occur. When this bubble build inside of me when I am due to go on leave from work it is because I know the days become full of possibilities and choices for me to make moment by moment. The sense of sameness disappears; yes you do many of the same things but without any pressure. If it rains, it doesn’t matter as there is always tomorrow.

As I type this Aurora is curled up between my arms, pressed back against me, purring happily. Serida is in my chair dosing away and Khepra is out in the wet garden in one of his secret dry nests. A sesse of peace lays over the house as there is no noise from the outside world, just the comforting silence of my house wrapping around us all.

Sharing again my poem

Sunday Silence 04/07/2017

I sit cup of tea in hand

Listening to the beauty of silence

Around me my world is still and quiet

My ears stretch

Trying to hear the hustle and bustle

The sounds of modern life

Only silence laps the edges of my ears

From deep inside a feeling of release

Of letting go

My inner self unfurls and stretches

Glorying in the silence

Harvesting silence as a balm

Against the bombardment

Of everyday noise

The moment ends with the computer’s ping

Of an incoming message

And the humming roar of a car driving by

My inner self retreats with harvested silence

To hold at the centre of my being

My ears relax as sound becomes a repetition

Flowing in

As a buffer against the world’s sounds

I am uplifted with the rich purr

Of the cat in my arms

As I sip my tea

And some beautiful words from John O’Donohue

“Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world waits.” ― John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

“Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.” ― John O'Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings

Blessings to you all, may you find the beauty of silence at some point in your upcoming week.

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