Oh what a beautiful morning, I sit here and the only sound is the cheerful calling of bird, Tui, Bellbird, Sparrows, Blackbirds and Pukeko foraging in my garden. Aurora dozing in the sun at my back door; Serida, busy being indecisive about what she wants to do, as I keep spoiling her desire to ambush Aurora and Khepra sunning himself in the garden. There is a chill in the air and some grey clouds but overall a beautiful morning.
Today I celebrated this day with Sakura Rose Sencha Green tea, a cup of sweetness from the flavour of the Sakura Cherry and Rose Petals. A cup of spring for this season I paired the tea with my Watercolour Flower cup in recognition of the rain that is still visiting every other day. Many day the rain makes my garden look like a watercolour painting as the rain blurs the edges and everything is soft focussed.
Hopefully the weather will stay dry enough for me to complete the tidy up on the front I am on task to get it done today if the weather co-operates. I have had a very physical week this week, walking, exercising and gardening; my muscles are certainly letting me know that they have been woken up.
A little poem for the day and the season;
Spring Showers
Misty rain
Gently soaking
Colours blurred
Light nubilous
Soft focussed
Edges indistinct
Melting down
Life burgeoning
Breaking open
New growth
Hazy green
Flower faces
Rain speckled
Rising up
Sunlight breaks’
Cloud cover
Growth rises
Season’s promise
Blossoming forth
Life’s exuberance
Offered freely.
Inspiration today is from Khalil Gibran – The Prophet
“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair” ― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
“The timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness. And knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream.” ― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Blessing to you all and may yours dreams bring you into a delightful tomorrow.