The last day of my three weeks leave, tomorrow I go back to my day job. I feel a touch of melancholy at the thought of not being able to wander into my garden and restore my soul whenever I want of not having the calming zen of my beautiful cats surrounding me throughout the day. These last couple of days have been rainy and grey but holding and exquisite sense of quietude. Spring brings a softness to the air brightened by the face of flowers blossoming.
I started the day by making a perfect omelette, filled with herbs from my garden, cheese and avocado, beautifully golden and crisp on the outside and inside soft and creamy. I paired this up with Ceylon black tea flavoured with Pomegranate and Mint. A tea that combines complex flavours of rich, malty tea, sweetened by the pomegranate with a lingering freshness of mint left in the mouth, a great way to start the day.
These three weeks reinforce for me that our fundamental nature is to nurture, to create and to restore ourselves and the world around us. Economics, business and the way the world is run has nothing to do with this soul imperative and the place we go to on daily basis to enable us to meet economic requirement is often in opposition to our fundamental nature. So it is incredibly important that we find our balance, every day we must engage in activities that nurture, create and restore.
These thoughts lead me back to another favourite author Clarissa Pinkola Estés and Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype
“Practice listening to your intuition, your inner voice; ask questions; be curious; see what you see; hear what you hear; and then act upon what you know to be true. These intuitive powers were given to your soul at birth.”
“When women reassert their relationship with the wildish nature, they are gifted with a permanent and internal watcher, a knower, a visionary, an oracle, and inspiratrice, and intuitive, a maker, a creator, and inventor, and a listener who guide, suggest, and urge vibrant life in the inner and outer worlds.”
Sharing my poem
Quiet Space 2013
Outside the busy world clatters, chatters and rattles on
Sounds of vehicles rushing by
The constant electronic hum, just below hearing, felt in the bone
The minutiae of other’s lives seeping into you through waves of sound
Day in, day out, constant sound, always there always present, filling mind and body to the brim.
Breathing consciously you create the pause between the layers of sound
Quiet space,
Inside your head,
Expanding out
Your eye rests gently on a peaceful scene;
Your hand curves over the warm, soft body of a companion;
Drifting softly the scent enters you soul, memories expand;
On your tongue, the taste of family, of love, of happiness in the bite taken;
The quiet world, expands, flexes and absorbs and fills your soul to the brim
You move beyond the world’s noise
You leave behind those other’s lives
Quiet, no sound,
Always there within your reach, always present filling mind and body
As you slip gently into your quiet space, your regenerating place.
Blessing to each and every one, may you find space to regenerate in the upcoming week.