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The Art of Tea 03/12/2017


Another bright, sunny day which I started with Sencha Tokyo Lime, in my teal and black cup a combination of both freshness and strength. With the warmer weather I have been drinking at least a litre of lime water because I have bags of frozen lime juice from my very prolific lime tree.

It is funny how people take it upon themselves to tell you what you need to do, every day at work I fill a 2 jug of water which I drink throughout my work day. The other day one of my colleagues told me I should be adding lemon to it and drinking lemon water as it is better for me. I said I drink lime water at home but no according to my colleague it is lemon water I should be drinking. I decided to look up lemon water vs lime water both are healthy for you the main difference is lemons have more Vitamin C than limes, close to double the amount as I am not lacking in Vitamin C the health differences between lemon vs lime are negligible and I have to get through the bag frozen lime juice in my freezer.

So far this morning I have the washing on, cleaned out the manky leaves from the fishpond and added water as a lot had evaporated over the last couple of weeks. The first leaf from my Lotus is starting to rise above the water, so I am thinking positive thought of Lotus Flowers. My gardening today is going to be destructive; I plan on chopping back the Privets and Woolly Nighshade and then later in the day get the lawns mowed.

Absolutely wrapped with my Arisaema candidissimum coming back into bloom I wasn’t sure it the Pukeko’s had killed the plant off last when I noticed them standing in the pot pecking away at eh base of the leaves. I chased them off and moved the pot so with it flowering the obviously hadn’t gotten to the bulb.

The garden is calling so I will leave you with the beauty that is Sanober Khan’s poetry

“I find it incredibly amazing how at every sunset, the sky is a different shade. No cloud is ever in the same place. Each day is a new masterpiece. A new wonder. A new memory.” ― Sanober Khan

Blessings on this first weekend in December, Summer’s official month of entry. Throughout the week take time to see the masterpieces within each day.

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