Greetings for 2018 I am the recipient of another sunny Sunday. We have been blessed this summer with abundant sunshine; the rain on Thursday and Friday assisted towards reducing the drought issue. It certainly hasn’t solved the drought problem but every drop of rain helps. Here in Taranaki we have been rather lucky, we had the King Tides and rainstorm but we didn’t get the high winds other areas of the country suffered under. Growth in the garden has been incredibly abundant. I have been eating spinach, chives, mints, nasturtiums and Zucchini from the garden, the tomatoes are almost ready and the capsicum are getting bigger. Once I get some raised gardens I will put in more vegetables. I really like being able to eat from my garden.
I decided on a very summery breakfast this morning. I made Walnut nut milk pancakes with black cherry jam and paired it up with the delicate White Tea flavoured with Blueberries and Apricots in my Summer Flowers cup. I indulged in a medley of sweet and light flavours to start this beautiful day. The tea came all the way from England, courtesy of my sister Ngaere. Thank you Ngaere.
This morning I will head off to do a little of dead heading and light gardening, as much as my shoulder will allow. My range of motion has improved dramatically, now the focus is on the tendons in the shoulder joint itself. I’m getting it closer to being right each day but I have had to put Curves on hold for a few weeks as I am unable to do the exercises on the machines. I am still walking to work though.
This afternoon I am heading off to do a workshop painting feathers for decorating the garden. I’m looking forward to it. I have had quite a focus of decoration in the garden since I have been restricted with what I can do. In my Saturday Op Shopping I look out for small pottery pots I can lay in the stone s along the front of the house in the stones. I have had some wonderful finds and they look good scattered, falling on their sides. I am going to add the terracotta troughs and fill them with pansies and lobelia.
Today I am drawn to the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius
“The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
“Observe always that everything is the result of change, and get used to thinking that there is nothing Nature loves so well as to change existing forms and make new ones like them.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
Blessings to you all in the upcoming embrace change. Do not resist change allow it to flow through you changing what is necessary inside you to enable you to move freely with your changing environment.