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The Art of Tea 15/04/2018


Today I started off with a little bit of luxury to break my fast; I made pancakes smothered with Raspberry and Cream. To compliment the sweet start I paired it up with the sweet, light Sakura Rose Sencha Green tea, a combination of Sukura cherries and rose blossoms served in my delightful Geisha teacup. It is a beautiful way to start this particular Sunday.

I have been enjoying my time off from work and I have been a dynamo, I have completed tasks that have been on my back for a few years. In reclaiming the basement and garage I have created a change in the feel of my place; a lightness of being in both myself and my house. Feng Shui the art of placement; placement is very important to me and I am very particular about balance. I would describe my decorating style as elemental I try to balance the elements of earth, air, fire and water in the items I surround myself with. Where items are placed has to build on the overall harmony and balance of a room. To add something new into my environment involves a reshuffle of just about every other object in the room. When I put the couch in it involved a me moving every item of furniture and when I finished the couch was where I originally put it several other pieces of furniture had been moved centremetres from where they had previously been.

For an elemental style of decoration you have Earth: plants, stones, crystals, salt, colours of brown and greens, Air: books, chimes, crystals, leaves, fans, butterflys and colours of blue, white and gray. Fire: candles, crystals, electronics and colours of red, orange, and yellow. Water: fountains, running water, crystals, mermaids, shells, fish, and colours of blue green and silver. Then finally Spirit. Spirit is the energy that imbues your home from all that live and breathe in the home plants, cats, me and the spirit of the house itself. For me this way of expressing my home creates a warm, encompassing environment. I have read the rules of Feng Shui but to me it has to be instinctual the art of placement that creates a supportive place of renewal and revitalisation.

With the change in the weather I have cats back again Aurora has taken to sleeping beside my pillow and I go to sleep or wake up to a vibrating purr; Serida either sleeps by my pillow on the opposite side or pressed up against my back or legs; Khepra has been the biggest surprise. It is not cold enough yet for him to sleep in at night but he has been coming in each evening and wanting to be with me settling onto my lap or as mentioned the other night for the first time sleeping in my arms as I work on the computer. He has always been very independent and would settle near but not on me, so I am benefitting from a change as he ages.

I am sharing a poem I wrote back in 2013 it reflects how I feel about my place.

Quiet Space

Outside the busy world clatters, chatters and rattles on

Sounds of vehicles rushing by

The constant electronic hum, just below hearing, felt in the bone

The minutiae of other’s lives seeping into you through waves of sound

Day in, day out, constant sound, always there always present, filling mind and body to the brim.

Breathing consciously you create the pause between the layers of sound

Quiet space,

Inside your head,

Expanding out

Your eye rests gently on a peaceful scene;



Your hand curves over the warm, soft body of a companion;



Drifting softly the scent enters you soul, memories expand;



On your tongue, the taste of family, of love, of happiness in the bite taken;




The quiet world, expands, flexes and absorbs and fills your soul to the brim

You move beyond the world’s noise

You leave behind those other’s lives



Quiet, no sound,

Always there within your reach, always present filling mind and body

As you slip gently into your quiet space, your regenerating place.

Blessings to all on this Sunday, the date of my entry into this beautiful, changing and encompassing world. In the upcoming week aay you all find moments that enable you to enter your regenerating place.

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