Grey, rain shower and intermittent sunshine and I have a very wet garden. I went for a wander around and rescued a Monach Butterfly who was in the grass and very wet. I put my hand down and it crawled onto my had and I took it for a walk up to the top of the garden by the house and set it down on some buds give it an opportunity to get some food.
I started my day very slowly and quietly taking it as a rest day a time to recharge my energy that was drained this week. I cooked up an omelette filled with mushrooms cheese, and herbs from my garden chives, garlic chives, marjoram, thyme sage and parsley. A rich and satisfying brunch, to go with the delicious food I chose Ginger, Quince Sencha Green Tea in my Picasso “Le Reve” cup. I enjoy the bright red and yellows colours, the distorted image and the off centred shape of the cup and saucer; all of these elements add pleasure to the simple act of eating and drinking.
Today I am going to get started on my Goddess painting, I have been a bit lacksidiasical this month, changing my mind about what I am going to do because I really want to get the glass goddess finished but I can’t so that seems to become a barrier. Which is making me indecisive and then I will get distracted by something I am reading. Today I will start.
I didn’t get to walk to work this week with all the rain and no gardening I am hoping the upcoming week will have a few fine days. I was so happy when I scored 2 glass globes for my orb garden from the Salvation Army Op Shop. I had been to the wreaker’s yard and they had one glass globe for $10.00. On the way home I stopped in at Sallies and I got two for $3.00. I was thrilled. I am going to put solar lights inside the globes. I also need some rounded plants to go into rounds pots for this area. I am thinking of a Pittosporum “Golfball”, a Spiral aloe with symmetrical spiral leaves Aloe polyphylla up near the front door and a Scleranthus biflorus, a mounding green ground cover in a round pot. I also want to get a double rain chain to hang from the dip in the roof where water pours off.
I am filled with a feeling of anticipation for my garden in the spring. I am finally getting around to doing something I have wanted to do for years in extending the gardens and removing the lawns. All my seedlings I have started off are showing green sprouts, scabioas, poppies, lilies, stock, nigelia, marigolds, calendulas. I am going to get more seed so the garden will be full and riotous. Shade areas filled with elegance ferns, bright coleus’ and drooping with fuschias, big leaved ligularias. A world of possibilities.
As Friday was Anti-bullying day my quotes for today reflect love.
“Listen with ears of tolerance! See through the eyes of compassion! Speak with the language of love” ― Rumi
“The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind.” ― Rumi
Blessings to all that are reading this, I hold you all in my heart with love. My your upcoming week open limitless possibilities for you to enter and thrive within.