It is a beautiful sunny Sunday giving us two days of the weekend of sunshine, a blessing for me. I celebrated this day with Jasmine Dragon Pearls tea in my blue skies and flowers teacup. I love Dragon Pearls tea for the little green and white round balls of tea that unfurl into long strips of tea leaf when the water is added. It gives me pleasure to watch the process and then I get to drink this light tasting green tea flavoured with Jasmine Blossom.
I have a really good day yesterday; I was filled with an abundance of energy and got so much done. A little sunshine can enliven a day dramatically. The Cherry Tree over in the area behind my house is in full blossom adding a deep pink to all the shades of green and is filled with Tui’s getting the nectar. There are also lots of finches and fantails flitting around the garden. At the moment the dew is still heavy on the grass and large portions of the garden are still in shadow and in the shadow it is cold. I am waiting for it to warm up a little more before I go out and do some garden maintenance.
I have been intermittently playing with driftwood and broken glass looking at creating some driftwood art. I need to take walk on the beach and look for some driftwood pieces with interesting shapes that are a little larger than the pieces I have currently. “Primordial Birth” my April Goddess Driftwood sculpture has been moved into the lounge amongst the indoor plants, I am very happy with her being there. I have almost finished my August Goddess and I am very pleased with how SHE looks.
I am thinking I will start walking to work again this week as it is lighter both morning and evening and one of the reasons I stopped walking aside the inclement weather was that I was leaving in the dark and getting home as it became darker. Every day now it is a little lighter at both ends of the day.
Today I have inside a lightness of being, life is joyful and the world around me is reflecting that joy back to me. It is in the light, the sounds and smell of the new season a time to redirect energy into the direction we want to go as the new season opens its arms to us. I am looking forward to a time of getting my garden looking the way I envisage it and having the time where work is not required in garden when I can just sit out there and enjoy the beauty surrounding me.
So today my musings are on joy and how we can change our world by allowing joy to flow like a river through us from the world back into the world. Sharing some wonderful words on joy.
The joyful heart sees and reads the world with a sense of freedom and graciousness.
John O'Donohue
Joy is you at the deepest level, and your joy is one with the infinite timeless joy of this unbound universe. Robert Ellwood
A joyful life isn’t about others; it’s about the brightness that is associated with being alive. Your path to it is through anything that replaces thinking with pure flight, pure joy. Martha Beck
Blessing to all, may you allow joy to infuse your soul throughout the week to come.
Image: SHE Chose to Rise With a Lightness of Being