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The Art of Tea 23/09/2018


I got a very early start on this bright and shiny spring morning. I broke my fast with Belguim Waffles and Ginseng Oolong tea, I am still enamoured with my silver teapot so I used that and my lovely “Summer Flowers” teacup in anticipation of getting into the garden today.

I have been working on my September Goddess I have the copper foil all done on the glass pieces, now I just have to do the soldering. I am thinking of cutting out a new sitting goddess I just have to decide which glass I wants to use. I have been eyeing up a beautiful Delft Blue & White Streaky Semi Translucent Coloured Glass sheet on TradeMe, with this I am thinking a Sky Goddess would be really lovely. But in the meantime I do have quite a bit of glass that I could use, I just have to make up my mind as to which colour.

I have been really good with walking to work, first week 3 days, second 4 days and third 3 days, springs weather is so changeable I am pleased I have managed to get my target number of three days in. On Friday it rained as I was walking home and I was wearing my red waterproof poncho, I described myself as a red turtle with my backpack on. As I was walking in the rain being a very visible red turtle in my head I was singing

“I’m a little fire engine Flick is my name.

They won’t let me put out fires isn’t that a shame.

One day when I’m big and strong I’ll fight every flame

When there's a fire in town, quick!

Call a little engine,call a little engine,call a little engine Flick! toot toot"

It is really funny how something will pop into your mind and it is stuck there until you acknowledge it.

I am really looking forward to my leave from work in two weeks. I have been very tired over the last few weeks. Typically I was thinking that it was because I was getting to leave time but after a marathon sleeping session over two day I wasn’t that surprised when my blood test came back that my Cholesterol and Triglycerides were back up again. Pissed off but not surprised. So I have an appointment with the doctor, meh. Plus my weight had gone back up a bit over the two and a half months I wasn’t walking to work over winter. What it hammered home to me was that I cannot afford not to be doing walking/exercise every week. I have come to accept that I will have to go onto more medication to manage my cholesterol and blood pressure as all the natural remedies I have tried, the exercise and weight loss are not enough. It is unfortunate that hereditary factors out weight lifestyle management.

So my musings today are on acceptance, recognising the reality and doing what is needed. I must admit it has been a long journey as I have a very solid resistance to taking ongoing medication but I have tried every other option, now I have to accept what I cannot change through my own control.

The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. – Nathaniel Branden


Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. – Lao Tzu

And finally

Acceptance is not submission; it is acknowledgement of the facts of a situation. Then deciding what you're going to do about it. – Kathleen Casey Theisen

Blessings to all as you go through this upcoming week allow yourself to flow with the changes that are happening within and around you.

Image from my Impressionism album "Reaching Out"


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