Dear Helen,
You watch the world around you, not fitting in to the teenage angst, not getting the endless emotional upheavals, not feeling part of the groups surrounding you.
But, you know, that’s okay.
This time of your life flies past so quickly. The bedrock for you is family, someone always available who knows this world you are living through each day. There is always someone there to share the silliness and sing the songs playing on the radio.
“The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one they said”,
“I say, I don't like cricket oh no, I love it”
“Can you hear the drums, Fernando? I remember long ago another starry night like this”
Hairbrush microphone, singing our hearts out breathlessly falling onto the bed dissolving into laughter through joy shared. The sniping and ganging up on one another is just a way of stretching your skin to become the person you will be. Exploring different thoughts and feeling that bloom in the dark of puberty.
I find it hard to look back a 15 and remember the emotions because each age ends with a threshold that you step across. As you step across that threshold life is new again you set goals and in achieving them you step across another threshold and life is new again. I like the life we engender Helen.
Each pain you feel now is worth it from the perspective you now have.
Love Helen