The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become. Robert Holden
Today’s challenge becomes personal something I do every day. My first thoughts related to my body eating, cleansing, connection to and focus on it, then I expanded out to a chore I do every day; rain or shine when I am in pain or unwell, twice a day. I feed the beings that share my home.
These include my cats, Khepra and Aurora, the bantams, Maggie, Claudi, Hera, Sappho, Absinthe and Demeter and the fish, pukekos and sundry other native and common birds that all flock in for a free feed.
I give thanks to the life they all bring to my home. From the cats I gain companionship and touch. The bantams and the pukekos amuse me with their busyness and that different species have become one flock. Watching the fish brings peace and serenity, a quiet mind.
My gratitude is that I am able to share and enrich my life with them all, simply through the act of sharing food with them all.
“When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.” ― Anthony Douglas Williams