Your life has purpose.
Your story is important. Your dreams count. Your voice matters. You were born to make an impact. – Unknown
We each have a purpose, it is the reason we exist. Our primary responsibility to ourselves is to open ourselves up to the world to discover our purpose. We need to do this in order to be whole and connected to the web of life.
When you are asked what your purpose is, it is daunting. Purpose sounds portentous, something that is greater than you are, something that makes you and your reason for being on this earth larger than life. Purpose does not have to be big; it does not have to be anything except your individual embodiment of Earth.
You are earth’s expression of itself manifested in life, and as a living entity you are a creator. The ways of creating are endless. I see purpose as a birth, a gestation of an idea, an image, a dream, a possibility that becomes a further expression of creation.
I give thanks to the source of all creation; life, dreams, concepts, ideas, art, stories and songs the purpose that we each individually find.
What you seek, is seeking you - Rumi