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The Art of Tea 30/09/2018


First day of daylight savings and I feel I have lost time the day seems to be running away from me so fast. I have gotten the front lawns and the berm mowed with my little push mower. I will get onto the back lawns this afternoon. I find using the push mower a really stress free way of doing the lawn, I just walk backwards and forward pushing something that is very lightweight which make a clacking noise. To me it is a really effortless activity.

I started my day with Green Rose tea, light and sweet using my lovely Watercolour Flowers tea cup as a nod to the new season and the new lighter evenings. I look out my window and Ponga fronds are moving gently in a light breeze, the light is bright but not harsh and the dappled shadow textures the trunk of the Norfolk Pine. I hear birds chirping and the vibration of the wind chime which sends out shimmering sounds. Piwakawaka, Fantail is sky dancing in the garden air adding a lovely cheerful energy to the day. Aurora is sitting in the sunlight of the window sill and Serida is under the bed keeping an eye on Aurora while Khepra snoozes in the sun in the garden. There is a blanket of peace and tranquillity the lays across my piece of earth.

I am blessed with a place that nurtures me and gives peace and creates harmony in my life. I have created this place to meet my need but I am still so very grateful that I am in position to have this beauty around me. I am grateful for the lessons I learnt growing up that have set in me the commitment, perseverance and resilience to do what is needed, when it is needed. My third gratitude today is that even thought I require glasses to see, I can see all the beauty around me.

On my list of to do is to get the fish pond cleaned up this will be one of the first tasks I tackle on my leave from work. I saw my one and only fish several times yesterday surfacing into the sun out of the algae filled murk. The lilies are starting to send up their leaves and once again I am hoping my Lotus will come into flower. Waiting for the lotus has been an exercise in patience, this is my third year with it in the pond, last year was a failure because the Pukeko ate off the young leave and without the leaves it wouldn’t flower. This year a change is that I have the Wind Sticks in the pond which hopefully restrict bird predation of both plants and fish.

Aurora has come out of the bedroom to lay down beside my feet belly up with her paws tucked up and her orange chin visible. I love that trust they give when they make themselves vulnerable.

So my musings today are on gratitude, this is one of life’s essential virtues because gratitude open your heart to the world, when you express thankfulness you open pathways to the eternal now and everything becomes possible.

From the wisdom of John O’Donohue

“All the possibilities of your human destiny are asleep in your soul. You are here to realize and honor these possibilities. When love comes in to your life, unrecognized dimensions of your destiny awaken and blossom and grow. Possibility is the secret heart of time.” ― John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

And finally

“I choose to live with gratitude for the love that fills my heart, the peace that rests within my spirit, and the voice of hope that says all things are possible.” – Anonymous

Blessings to all, strive in the upcoming week to find to see the beauty in your life and to daily express your gratitude for that beauty.

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